About the Blogger

Sagar is disillusioned, disappointed and in love with fictional characters.

Yes, People actually say things like that. Welcome to the real world. I’m not going to be your tour-guide for today’s adventure.

When you can not find any answers to the itches that plague your soul, try writing. It’ll save you the futile and painful exercise of finding out that essentially, no one cares, except your mother.

7 thoughts on “About the Blogger

  1. Misconstrued says:

    Keep writing always :)

  2. Sagar says:

    Oooh. Misconstrued.

    I like.

  3. zephyr says:

    like the last line.. holds true always..

  4. JP says:

    Just bookmarked your page to read when i can, purely on the basis of “the mother” thought!

    well played.

  5. seed.weed. says:

    i see a different league boy! ohh.. yes i do!
    *completely sober

    • Sagar says:

      Thank you, I think.

      • seed.weed. says:

        i know you think, violent sneezes don’t make sense do they?!
        i hope you have fancy-future-plans, “appreciation” would be obliged to give you a blowjob! (* btwi’mnotgay!)
        your mission officer: to find a publisher ready to give head!
        if you havent already!
        plainly:awesome stuff!

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